Tuesday, October 28, 2008


...I began thinking about starting one of these a couple of months ago when I realized that I no longer seemed to have very many people around me during the day with whom I could share silly stories and the constant thinking aloud that I tend to do. At my old (well, old,old) job in my previous career I had lots of friends with whom I could have these sorts of moments during the day, and at my last law clerking stint I also had a very good friend with whom I shared many a laugh. Lately, though, my days are a little more solitary, and I find myself still having a lot to say at the end of the day. Now, I actually work in an office with my own, fairly private cubicle for the first time ever, and in contrast to my last job, a computer manufactured in the last ten years with internet capabilities. Don't get me wrong - these accommodations are not unappreciated. But the newly found privacy has been a little bit of a barrier to making new friends.

Anyway, it has been sort of a long week already. Monday night I had planned to visit Melvina Financial/Laundromat/Pet Kennel to a. pay my parents b. wash clothes and c. see my dog. My parents have been extremely supportive of my over last few years as I have juggled going to law school, changing careers and selling a house by lending me money, watching my dog, helping me move my stuff around and doing pretty much any other nice parent thing you can think of. I owe them. Big time.

But, my plan should have been only slightly delayed by my new plan of first swinging up to Andersonville to say goodbye to a very good friend who is moving to Portland today. All I needed to do was to shoo the repairman out of my apartment as soon as he got the antique heat-producing contraption in my kitchen to activate and make my apartment less cold. However, the antique heater had other plans. What should have been one repairman coming to turn the gas line going to my crappy space heater on and lighting the pilot turned into two repairmen hauling out the whole heater and gas line out to the back porch (and leaving it there) and installing and older and dirtier heater from the attic. So, no Andersonville and no trip to the Ridge.

I was annoyed by my plans getting bumped, but more so by the increased stress about my apartment situation that this caused me. My biggest reservation about this apartment has been the shady gas space heater in the kitchen. They are very common here in Bridgeport and since moving in here, I have cursed Bridgeporters for being too cheap to installed forced air heat for like, the last 60 or 70 years or so. But, I knew what I was getting into, so whatever. But last night, the second repairman, who is apparently quite the gas-fed space heater expert made a big deal about how unsafe the old unit was, but how, if anything goes wrong with this one (the even older one that has sat in the attic for ? years) I should NOT panic and call the gas company or 911 - I should call the landlord, because it is his property. Oh, and if anyone tries to take the old heater off my back porch, I should stop them from taking it.

So, by the time I stopped fuming and worrying about dying from fumes, I was pretty tired. Tuesday was a long day, too - all Tuesdays have been lately. I had a client interview at the clinic first thing this morning, followed by school, work, then more school.

I got to see my friend, too. Tuesday was his last night in Chicago and I met up with him at a really nice bar that I am sorry I didn't check out sooner. I am really going to miss him, which is weird for me to say now, because he technically moved away from Chicago in June. But, I knew he would be coming back for an extended visit while he was figuring out his next move, and part of me was holding out hope that he would decide to settle right back down here in Chicago. However, Portland was smart enough to snap him up, so at least now I have a really good reason to go to Portland soon.

So, the Ridge will have to wait until tonight. Hopefully, maybe, I'll have time to get a haircut too, and get some serious school work done, seeing as how I am supposed to go to DC this weekend.

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